Julie & Julia, The Lovely Bones, and the Devil Wears Prada

Friday, July 16, 2010

Where Did I Go?!

My Goodness! I haven't posted in a few days. There goes my damn promise to myself....to post everyday. Shoot! But I do have a date tonight! Yay! So far with him, in all our initial non-date interactions, we just stare at each other. Hmmm.....have to figure out what to talk about? I will have to dig up all of my old jokes, which I am sure will be very clever and impressive-or just scare the Hell out of him.
So many to posts to post! Is it bad that he is about eight years younger than me? When does it start to get pervy? I answer: Probably when I start asking that question! Yikes!
Well my lovely dears, I need to start prepping myself for the date. Hair, makeup, deodorant, and all the other good stuff. Have a fun Friday night!


  1. First off...not pervy--women in their 30's are sexually prime, men in their 20's in their sexual prime. This means it's going to be a wild night- wink!
    Second, he's cute.
    Third, no one can post daily. I get so burned out having to slam one out everyday but it sure improves your writing!

  2. What would I do if my sister didn't post any comments...shoot...I would not have any comments!LOL! My biggest fan! My next post will tell you all about this date. Yes! :)
