Julie & Julia, The Lovely Bones, and the Devil Wears Prada

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm Cheating

I'm cheating on Stanley with Aaron Eckhart. (Well, not technically, but metaphorically. Don't get your hopes up too much!)

I've strayed from my preference of the nicely-headed bald man and have gone for the dimpled chin and square jaw.

(We'll call him Chris) We ran into each other at a night club. He was huddled in the corner with his friends, all seeming afraid that they might have to dance, when I spotted this cute creep in the corner.
I ran over and immediately pushed him with me up on stage, we both kept laughing at our horrible dance moves.

Chris was wearing a sweater. I asked, "Aren't you freakin' hot in that thing". He said yes, and I peeled it off of him, lucky for Chris that he had on an undershirt.


We exchanged numbers and he actually called the next day.

Not sure if I can technically claim we are now dating, because he's always working to pay for his school. (Which I do admire to avoid the gruesome student loans.)

But I think I might get to see him this weekend.

6'1, brown hair, brown eyes, and the cutest smile....with the dimples. Yeah, I might have a bit of a crush on this one.

And I must confess, he is an excellent kisser.....


  1. Kissing, oh barf, but if he looks like AE I might want in on that action!

  2. oh the first kisses of a relationship. Irreplaceable.
