Julie & Julia, The Lovely Bones, and the Devil Wears Prada

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

There is No Lion at the Door

The hum of the industrial fan drowns out the voice of the instructor.  I can see her mouth moving but I can't hear her voice. It's like drowning in water.

I want to get up and move. I need to be somewhere doing something. Anything.  Anywhere other than sitting in class trying to figure out a hundred different ways to categorize and define the word curriculum.

Feeling frantic that my life is slipping away as I sit. My heart starts to race.

Then I realize that I don't have anywhere to be-no crisis to advert.  No unpaid bills, no late assignments, nothing to straighten. No one's happiness to maintain.

Am I bored?  Is this a form of contentment?  Am I in limbo?

My body has been in a "Fight and Flight Response" for so long that I have forgotten how to just sit and be still.

Productivity has given me value.

In my marriage I had to justify every move and show a product. "Look at me! I baked a cake, cooked a gourmet meal, waxed the car, exercised two hours for a perfect body, and brought home a paycheck", I would eagerly report to my productivity parole officer (The Ex).

If things were not done up to his high standards there would be.....consequences.

My self-worth has been tied to how much I earned, how much I worked, how much I cleaned, how many tiny errands I could accomplish without having to bother the husband.  Because I gave him all my power, I valued him over myself.

I have a hard time being alone. It's too quiet.  I used to be able to sit down and write, and paint. Now it makes me nervous.  Nervous that my product won't be perfect and I will have to justify my time.  But now I'm in charge and I have to reassure myself that I'm okay just being me.   

How do I relearn to be still and listen? Enjoy my freedom.

It's the first time in a long time, that I don't have to look over my shoulder.

I still feel haunted, I tell myself there is no lion waiting at the door.....  I am safe. 


  1. You are safe, here we like you just for who you are.

  2. C,

    :) :) Thank you! It really helps to write and share. Hope all is well with you!

  3. For years I knew that you were trapped but I didn't know what to do. I saw you slowly slipping away. You were controlled by a narcissist and I didn't know how to help you. He was a lion at the door. Mean and unkind to everyone you loved in hopes of isolating you and destroying your creativity. You were a possession and had to prove you were worth possessing. What a joyeous day when I saw he had found a new possession and you were free from him!! Everyday I feel closer to getting you back from a huge void.
