Julie & Julia, The Lovely Bones, and the Devil Wears Prada

Monday, October 3, 2011

Fall Harvest

The air and light has changed outside.  Everything seems to have a warm glow, the last fleeting color of the summer.  The leafs are turning to a rust color on the mountain side.  I can't seem to sit inside, I'm desperate to soak up the remaining light and any opportunity to just be outside.

With it being fall, it means it's time to pick out pumpkins.  My family and I went to a local farm to see the fall harvest and play "farm" games.  We watched pig races, rode around on a "cow" train in the corn fields and then slid down hay slides.  My niece, being two, would go down one slide and start laughing and then end up crying at the end of the slide.  It was hilarious to watch.

We ended up waiting and waiting in a long line to get on the tracker that takes you out to the pumpkin fields. It was so long you could tell it was starting to be past bedtime for the kiddies, because the shrieks increased.  We finally had to call it quits and bribe my niece with the promise of food so we could head home. We will have to go back another day.....hopefully soon.  I was looking forward to wandering the field looking for that perfect pumpkin.  My niece wanted a "baby" pumpkin. Ahh, too much fun!


  1. In each moment of beautfy something stands out. In Spring it is the green of baby leaves filtering the rays of sunshine. In fall the golden haze of the autumn sun setting everything ablaze.

  2. Oh I love it! So many descriptive words to use with the spring and fall. Beautiful.
