Julie & Julia, The Lovely Bones, and the Devil Wears Prada

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Are you Serious!?

"NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 15: Actor Stanley Tucci is seen around Lincoln Center during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week on September 15, 2010 in New York City."
Where was I??? I was just four blocks away in my apartment! I thought about going to check out the fashion scene and just hang around outside, but I knew it would be a mad house, so I opted for a burrito and a movie. Great! Just great! My one chance to spot Stanley and I missed it. Lol! And if I did see him, what would I do? I guess just stare like a crazy stalker person?

1 comment:

  1. I dont' get overly excited by celebs (but Stanley Tucci is cute.) After I first read this I saw Mike Bellotti at Costco. Then I thought, crap I'd have to explain who Mike Bellotti and then it seemed more funny thank wooo whooo!
