Julie & Julia, The Lovely Bones, and the Devil Wears Prada

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Christmas Review

I probably should not write this because I'm ornery as Hell, but it's been over a week since I have posted a blog, and my orneriness doesn't seem to be going away.....its lingering. And anything that lingers can't be good.

My biggest complaint at the moment is trying to find a job that will cover my bills since I was laid off two days before Christmas. Unemployment doesn't cut it. I know I will find something, but it's looking pretty sparse. Dammit.

Insert numerous "Bitch and Moans" here.

Overall Christmas was fabulous. And I do mean fabulous, I don't use that word for just anything. (Okay, yeah I do) It was the first Christmas that I didn't have to worry about a spouse breathing down my neck and whispering, "When are we leaving", and me replying, "We just got here!"

I was able to spend quality time with my family, doing the usual large extended party that involves all the relatives talking, but not really ever to each other? We had the usual spread of food-a few delightful Mormon delectables. Baked ham, funeral potatoes, chips, jello with whip cream, and "all out mayo" macaroni salad.

Then my immediate family had snacks and put a puzzle together on Christmas Eve. I would like to think that I helped put the puzzle together, but the overwhelming thought process gave me a headache and I seemed to be more interested in continuously eating.......

In the morning we went over to my sister Meg's and had omelets and watched my niece open all of her gifts. She's at the entertaining age of two, where all the gifts are just plain snazzy. A giant dollhouse mansion, a kitchen set-complete with a fridge and microwave, and last but not least, a Sparkle Fashion Barbie.

I've never had so much fun!

My niece started to have a melt down when she saw me coveting her toys. She snarled her teeth, shaking her tiny fists in my direction, her head violently shaking, as she screamed, "No Emily! Mine!" I quickly got the point and laid down the Sparkle Barbie.

Maybe next year I will get a Fashion Barbie (pink Corvette included). We'll see if I can be good.....


  1. I believe you were going to beat up a two-year-old over her Happy Family Mansion. I saw you arranging all the furniture and making the husband doll get runover by the minivan.

  2. Not having someone ask "Is it time to go?" is priceless. A Sparkle Barbie, a closet dream... and it can be yours, complete with Corvette.
