Julie & Julia, The Lovely Bones, and the Devil Wears Prada

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

You Can Do It! A Sneak Peak....

Here's a sneak peek at one of the prototypes or construction swimsuits. It's been slow going and many changes have been made to get it to this point. The suits are so close to being ready for production. Some days it's hard not to get impatient and frustrated.

I'd like to think that I am a tough person. That I have all these redeeming qualities, but unfortunately I am human. I need to remember that and I need to remember that other people are human as well. Trying to manufacture my swimwear designs is proving to be challenging, not necessarily with the process, but in dealing with each unique individual.

Assumptions are bad, and I've come into this project with many. I assumed that because you have paid someone they would finish the job with perfect craftsmanship and on time. I'm learning that's not the case and my job isn't to just fix problems but to motivate and inspire. I have to look at each individual and see how we can best work together and then adapt into more of that person to help them do their job, all the while maintaining my boundaries and needs.

It's complicated and a mean bag of tricky!

I'm learning to set expectations and deadlines, but then find ways to help them meet these expectations, either by playing what I like to call "Good cop, bad cop" which encourages, then has to be assertive, and then encouraging again.

I am the cheerleader. Outfit, flips, and all.

The guy at Starbucks took pity on me and my frustration, handing me a free drink while telling me "Have faith in the God in people. "

Not sure what that meant, but maybe I need to find a different way to help the people helping me get where we need to go.

Finish the suits! You can do it! I shout, cheering them on.....it's almost there...

Then onto sizing and production we go! Starting with new challenges, which I hope to enter with a positive, open mind of possiblity and hope.


  1. oh I like that... sadly I've not the body to wear it... could you consider something sexy for the fat granny who hides in her hot tube?

  2. That is a way cute swimming suit! I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us! (:

  3. The suit looks great and the website wording sounded good too. You have so much talent.

  4. Hello! Thanks everyone for your support and entertaining comments. It keeps me going and it's fun to share what I am currently working on.

    All three designs should be done on Monday. I will post pictures. The three designs are: Venice Beach, The Paris, and Alice in Wonderland. Yay!

    Have a fabulous rest of the week!
